
Torn Meniscus Surgery (Video)

Torn Meniscus Surgery (Video)

Your doctor just told you you need torn meniscus surgery...Like any recommendation for surgery, this can be a little scary. But in this case, it doesn't always need to be. Torn meniscus surgery is very effective and usually very safe. In another post, I discussed the...

Torn Meniscus Treatment Options

Torn Meniscus Treatment Options

Not all meniscal tears require surgery... but many do.  If you have a meniscal tear, you probably want to know what the available torn meniscus treatment options are. Like many orthopedic injuries, there are both nonoperative and operative treatments available....

Torn Rotator Cuff Treatment: Nonoperative Care

Torn Rotator Cuff Treatment: Nonoperative Care

You've been told that you have a rotator cuff tear.  It is natural to wonder what is the correct torn rotator cuff treatment.  The answer is...It depends. When it comes to torn rotator cuff treatment, there are two basic options: with surgery or without surgery. In...

ACL Tear Surgery: Controversies & Variations

ACL Tear Surgery: Controversies & Variations

"There are many paths to the Mountain top".  This famous Chinese proverb couldn't be more true than it is in Sports Medicine. There are a number of very good ways to do any one thing. As a result, not all Sports Medicine surgeons agree on everything, particularly when...

Torn ACL Surgery (Part 2):  How? (Video)

Torn ACL Surgery (Part 2): How? (Video)

Torn ACL Surgery If you've been following my earlier posts on Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tears, hopefully you have learned quite a bit about their anatomy and causes as well as the symptoms and diagnosis. In the first part of this series on torn ACL surgery, I...

Torn ACL Surgery (Part 1): Why and When?

Torn ACL Surgery (Part 1): Why and When?

Up to now,  we have discussed the anatomy and causes, as well as the symptoms and diagnosis of ACL tears.  Now we'll discuss the treatment of ACL tears, particularly torn ACL surgery. In the first part of this three part series,  let's talk about why you should, or...

Torn Rotator Cuff Symptoms

Torn Rotator Cuff Symptoms

I previously discussed the rotator cuff anatomy and the causes of rotator cuff tears.  In this post, I will review the torn rotator cuff symptoms. First let's review some rotator cuff basics: The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons deep in the shoulder The tendons...

Torn Meniscus Symptoms and Diagnosis

Torn Meniscus Symptoms and Diagnosis

In an earlier post, I discussed the definition and causes of a torn meniscus.  Now let's discuss the torn meniscus symptoms and their diagnosis. First, let's review a little about the meniscus. There are two menisci in a healthy knee.  Both are rubbery like c-shaped...

Shoulder Instability Symptoms (Video)

Shoulder Instability Symptoms (Video)

,Shoulder instability symptoms vary depending on the cause and type of the instability.  As you may recall from an earlier post, there are several different types of shoulder instability. Let's briefly recap: Shoulder Instability Types Traumatic (Subluxation or...

Torn ACL – Symptoms and Diagnosis (Video)

Torn ACL – Symptoms and Diagnosis (Video)

Pop! Ouch! No its not an old Batman episode.  If you were playing a team or racquet sport... Or were skiing and fell...Chasing your kids while playing tag...Or simply dancing.  If you felt a painful "pop" and you had to stop the activity...Your knee then began to...

Torn Meniscus – Anatomy and Causes (Video)

Torn Meniscus – Anatomy and Causes (Video)

A torn meniscus is one of the most common causes of knee pain. Meniscal tears can result from nearly any activity involving bending or twisting of the knee.  They often occur while performing athletics but can also frequently occur during nonathletic activities. Their...

Rotator Cuff Tears – Anatomy and Causes (Video)

Rotator Cuff Tears – Anatomy and Causes (Video)

Rotator cuff tears are extremely common.  About 5-40% of people with shoulder pain are thought to have rotator cuff tears. Nearly 2 million doctor visits in the US each year are due to rotator cuff problems. Tears of the rotator cuff describe any degree of disruption...

ACL Tear – Definition, Anatomy and Causes (Video)

ACL Tear – Definition, Anatomy and Causes (Video)

An ACL tear is used to describe any injury to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament.  Most commonly,  the ACL pulls away from its origin on the end of the thighbone.  It may also simply stretch or only be "partially" injured. The following  video shows the surgical...

Achilles Tendon Rupture (Video)

Achilles Tendon Rupture (Video)

The Achilles tendon is one of the largest, thickest and strongest tendons in the human body.  As a result, an Achilles tendon rupture can be a significant and disabling injury. Achilles Tendon Anatomy The Achilles tendon is the continuation of the calf...

Patellar Instability – Anatomy and Causes

Patellar Instability – Anatomy and Causes

Patellar instability describes the kneecap sliding out of the joint either completely (dislocation) or partially (subluxation). It is a common source of knee problems and is much more common in people under the age of thirty.  In fact, patellar instability is rare in...

Tennis Elbow – Definition, Anatomy and Causes

Tennis Elbow – Definition, Anatomy and Causes

Tennis elbow, known medically as lateral epicondylitis, is one of the most common causes of elbow pain.  Although not limited to those who play tennis, this disorder was so named because it often is found in those who repeatedly extend their wrist against resistance...

Shoulder Instability – Anatomy & Causes (Video)

Shoulder Instability – Anatomy & Causes (Video)

Shoulder instability is a common shoulder problem.  The shoulder joint is the most mobile of all the major joints.  Fortunately,  it usually remains stable. At times, however, the shoulder "slips out of the joint." This is shoulder instability. Shoulder Instability -...

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