Torn Rotator Cuff Recovery – Nonsurgical Approach

Torn rotator cuff recovery can be difficult.  How difficult and what it requires depends on whether you have or have not had surgery.  As you may recall, not all rotator cuff tears require surgery.  Some are degenerative. This means that they developed slowly over...

Impingement Syndrome Surgery (Video)

Fortunately, the need for impingement syndrome surgery is rare.  I estimate that only about 1 in10 people ultimately requires surgery.  However, when nonoperative treatment fails, there really are only two choices:  live with the symptoms or have impingement syndrome...

Glenohumeral Arthritis – Anatomy & Causes

Glenohumeral arthritis is arthritis of the main shoulder joint.  As you may recall from earlier posts (here and here), arthritis is the deterioration of a joint.  A joint is where two opposing ends of your bones meet.  When the joint is healthy, cartilage covers the...

Arthritis: Diagnosis and Treatment

As I discussed in a previous post, arthritis is a common problem.  As you may recall it is a progressive destruction of a joint.  The primary problem is the deterioration of the cartilage that lines the ends of the bones at the joint.  In more advanced cases, the bone...

Torn Meniscus Recovery Time

What is the normal torn meniscus recovery time?  It depends.  Perhaps you recall from an earlier post that some who have a torn meniscus are treated without surgery while some require surgery to get better.  Furthermore, there are two main types of torn meniscus...

Doc, Is It A Sprain Or A Strain?

Sprains and strains are two of the most common musculoskeletal problems.  I see them all the time.  In fact, a good portion of my day is spent diagnosing, treating…..and often explaining the difference between these terms. What Are Sprains? Sprains are ligament...

Sprained Ankle Symptoms: What Are They?

Although ankle sprains are much more common than breaks of the ankle, sprained ankle symptoms are often confused with those of an ankle fracture.  As you may recall from an earlier post, ankle sprains are extremely common. In fact, they are perhaps the most common...