Achilles Tendon Rupture (Video)

The Achilles tendon is one of the largest, thickest and strongest tendons in the human body.  As a result, an Achilles tendon rupture can be a significant and disabling injury. Achilles Tendon Anatomy The Achilles tendon is the continuation of the calf...

Patellar Instability – Anatomy and Causes

Patellar instability describes the kneecap sliding out of the joint either completely (dislocation) or partially (subluxation). It is a common source of knee problems and is much more common in people under the age of thirty.  In fact, patellar instability is rare in...

Tennis Elbow – Definition, Anatomy and Causes

Tennis elbow, known medically as lateral epicondylitis, is one of the most common causes of elbow pain.  Although not limited to those who play tennis, this disorder was so named because it often is found in those who repeatedly extend their wrist against resistance...

Shoulder Instability – Anatomy & Causes (Video)

Shoulder instability is a common shoulder problem.  The shoulder joint is the most mobile of all the major joints.  Fortunately,  it usually remains stable. At times, however, the shoulder “slips out of the joint.” This is shoulder instability. Shoulder...