Manny Pacquiao & His Rotator Cuff Tear

Some have questioned if Pacquiao even had a rotator cuff tear during the Saturday night bout. If so, how could he have fought (even as little as he did :-)),  The truth is that people with smaller tears or tears that occur through attrition (occurring slowly over time...

Meniscal Tears: What, Where, Why & When (Video)

As I previously discussed, meniscal tears are common causes of knee pain.  Expectedly, most patients don’t always understand what they are, how they occur and the best ways to diagnose and treat them. Below, I’ve included a video in which I try (:-)) to...

Achilles Tendon Rupture Symptoms

Achilles tendon rupture symptoms are often very similar from patient to patient. As you may recall from an earlier post, the Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in your body.  It is located at the back of your leg and connects your calf muscles to your heel bone...

Cause?…Or Coincidence?

Those who shop and purchase small-sized clothing, live longer.  Not those that shop – which with its modest exercise would seem to be responsible for any existing health benefit – but those who actually buy smaller clothing.  At first, this doesn’t...

Tennis Elbow Symptoms: What Are They?

Tennis elbow symptoms are a very common cause of doctor’s office visits.  In fact, tennis elbow is the number one most common elbow problem.  I previously discussed the anatomy and cause of tennis elbow in a prior post, but let’s briefly review here....

Too Much of a Good Thing…

He looked like any other 12 year old. Well, except for the way he was holding his right elbow…and his obvious pain. As I walked into the examining room and introduced myself, the tension was palpable. I had been here before. His mom was sitting in the corner...

Patellar Dislocation – Diagnosis & Treatment

A patellar dislocation is a violent injury of the knee.  It describes when the knee cap (patella) comes out of the joint completely.  The patella almost always comes out towards the outer side of the knee.  Most frequently a patellar dislocation occurs during an...

Frozen Shoulder – What Is It? (Video)

Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, is one of the most frequently seen shoulder problems. Unfortunately the frequency seems to be increasing.  Those with frozen shoulder, usually have significant pain and restricted motion. Fortunately, the symptoms...