NSAIDs: To Take Or Not To Take?

The FDA has recently strengthened its warning about non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) and their risk for contributing to cardiovascular events (i.e.. heart attack, stroke and heart failure).  You know these medications as Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen,...

Get Healthy And Wealthy By Being Wise

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. With all respect to Benjamin Franklin, a great mind and a national hero, life is somewhat more complicated than it was in 1735.  At least when it comes to becoming healthy and wealthy.  How much you...

Physical Therapists: When Do You Need Them?

                      Physical Therapists And Your Care… Welcome to the 2nd installment of our web-based symposium about physical therapy. Our panel: Chris Drew, PT, DPT – Website Paul Frizelle PT, DPT, MS, OCS, MTC, CSCS – Twitter Duncan Gerhard PT,...

Frozen Shoulder Symptoms

Frozen shoulder symptoms vary over time.  As you may recall from an earlier post, frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis as it is termed medically) is a problem commonly occurring in patient’s with particular characteristics and resulting in inflammation and...

Doctor’s Orders: Opioid Use and You

Opioid dependency can start slowly and unexpectedly… Fractures of the upper end of the arm at the shoulder are typically painful.  In fact, Jane’s fracture was particularly bad and so predictably very painful.  Her proximal humerus was broken into three...

Impingement Syndrome Symptoms

Impingement syndrome symptoms are very common.  In fact, these symptoms are perhaps the most common shoulder symptoms that bring patients to the doctor. This is likely because almost any shoulder problem, including isolated impingement syndrome, can have these same...

Physical Therapy: It’s Crucial To Your Recovery

For many orthopaedic injuries and surgeries, the difference between a good and poor outcome is frequently the quality of physical therapy.  Unfortunately, I often find that many of my patients either don’t know how important physical therapy is to their...